Welcome to RussianCast! My name is Anton, I’m from St. Petersburg, Russia. I’m a linguist, translator, and a teacher of Russian. I’m here to help you learn the great and mighty Russian language. I started RussianCast as a podcast for learners of the Russian language. Over time, it grew into a Russian language resource where you can find a podcast with transcripts and exercises, materials for self-study, and even book a lesson with me. The purpose of RussianCast is to provide materials that would help you in your Russian learning journey.
Learning a language is a long and difficult process. Sadly, there’s no one-fits-all method, but regular exposure to the language is key. When you learn a language, you most probably do grammar exercises and read a lot. But finding grammar textbooks or reads is not a problem. Compared with the abundance of written materials, audios for Russian learners are scarce, whereas listening is essential in learning Russian. You might have noticed that Russian words don’t sound exactly as they’re spelled, that’s why listening to audios with transcripts is a great solution.